The MMT basics course provides you the tools and skills integrated into a system to deepen your patient/client evaluations, allowing you to identify the body’s priority, truly individualizing and streamlining your care & treatments regardless of your specificity or niche!
MMT is the procedure that obtains information about the body you cannot get from any other modality or procedure, taking health and healing to the next level!
Practitioners from all areas of medicine, health and wellness would greatly benefit from the tool of MMT. Advance your evaluation skills, gain deeper insight to what the body truly needs to heal and streamline your treatment plans to generate incredible shifts in healing, ultimately optimizing your patients health outcomes and your practice.
AND… Patients and clients need it! They need you to learn this tool so you can help them at a level they have never been helped before!!
If you're looking for a tool to enhance your patient/client evaluations & treatments, this is the modality for you!!
Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

Do you ever think to yourself, if only I could tap into the body to see what it really needs most right now?
I wish there was a way to determine what the priority of the body is & what it needs healed most right now?
If only there was a tool that would allow me to receive instant feedback directly from the body to determine what it truly needs?
Are you and your patients tired of long treatment plans & too many supplements?
Do you want to increase patient compliance & their outcomes?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these, you're in the right place!
Welcome to
Quantum Muscle Testing!

Join the Quantum Crew!!
Learn The Manual Muscle Testing Basics Today!
Here's What You Will Learn...
Understanding of Manual Muscle Testing Research & Misconceptions
Correct Manual Muscle Testing Terminology
Learn How To Perform A Proper Manual Muscle Test & Test For Insulting Factors
Localizing Spinal Subluxations
Learning Respiration Manipulation
Testing nutrients, herbs and homeopathics
After completion of this course the practitioner will feel comfortable with manual muscle testing concepts, performance of the manual muscle test and procedures for correcting structural concerns, identifying insulting factors and testing of medicine.
Starting Monday morning you'll be able to start implementing MMT into your practice!

"There's a disconnect in healthcare, a disconnect that is felt on both sides from the practitioner and the clients. We are lacking the modalities and tools to communicate directly with the physical body in real time & MMT provides that communication, giving you deeper insight to your clients health and their path to healing"
- Dr. Whitney, ND, PAK -
Manual Muscle Testing
Will Help YOU if...
You have ever learned and implemented a protocol but found out that it didn't work for the majority of your clients?
Your patients/clients ever feel overwhelmed & intimidated leaving your office with long treatment plans which lead to low compliance?
You the practitioner ever feel bombarded with the endless number of supplement options because you don't know which particular supplement or brand is the right one for the specific individual?
What if the body got involved and had a say in the healing process, how much better would that healing journey be?
MMT streamlines all of this by providing feedback directly from the body for exactly what it needs the most right now and which is best for the individual body. This limits costs for the patient, providing a more focused approach to treating the priority of the body and ultimately increasing your patients compliance and healing.
Imagine how much would change when patient compliance increases!! Their outcomes increase and they become your raving fan because you determined what they needed most and moved the needle significantly. This allows them to focus on smaller tasks but make a larger impact on their health, greatly increasing their outcomes and empowering them to take back their health.
Are you looking for a tool to take your practice to the next level, advancing your skills and increase practice growth?
Register today and get started! You'll gain the skills & knowledge in which you can implement first thing Monday morning!
What is Manual Muscle Testing?​
The late Dr. Baker, NMD, DC defines muscle testing as:
“a system, involving testing of the nervous system, for evaluation & treatment of visceral, musculoskeletal and emotional conditions.”
MMT is a tool to assess your client/patient by eliciting a muscle response from an applied force.
So what does this mean?
It means that we are able to use the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system to help evaluate the body through the nervous system.
MMT gives you a tool to navigate the body more precisely providing insight only the body can give us. This allows us to truly give the body what it needs to heal, nothing more, nothing less, regardless of the particular modalities or specialty in which you practice.

QMT Courses
QMT offers a series of Muscle Testing Courses depending on your scope of practice and depth of knowledge you are seeking to master!
All courses build upon each other & must be taken in order to complete The Quantum Flow!
QMT 101
Manual Muscle Testing Basics
Course Details:
Understanding of Manual Muscle Testing research & misconceptions
Correct Manual Muscle Testing terminology
Learn how to perform a proper Manual Muscle Test
This course is for ANYONE & EVERYONE interested in learning more about manual muscle testing & how to perform it properly & accurately! If you are a parent, patient, wellness professional or practitioner this course is for you!
Get more certainty about your health & empower yourself by learning the powerful tool of manual muscle testing!
This is the most important course in the series. Mastering the MMT is the key to being successful with any manual muscle testing modality, because if you cannot properly perform a MMT the rest doesn't matter! MMT is a skill that should be practiced often for maximum proficiency!
**Pre-req for all future courses.
QMT 102
Clearing The Fog
Course Details:
Injury Recall Technique
Localizing Spinal Subluxations
Respiration Manipulation Technique
Bonus Video
Clearing the Fog refers to eliminating as much interference from the body and nervous system as possible to make sure you can get the best, most reliable information from the body!
If high velocity manipulation is not a skill you enjoyed learning or something you find your patients cannot handle, this course if for you! The Power of the Breath allows us to greatly impact the physical body to restore nervous system function with a low velocity but highly effective technique!
** QMT 101 Course is required before taking your skills to the next level**
QMT 103
Respiratory Manipulation
Course Details:
Learn about the power of the breath & benefits of respiratory manipulation
Identify and correct spinal lesions
Restore balance to the nervous system, gently & efficiently.
Learn manipulation of the spinal, cranium, ribs & extremities.
Learn how to identify and correct spinal lesions with this low velocity but high effective technique that is safe and provides restoration to the nervous system.
This is a practitioner’s course; Must have manipulation in your scope of practice.
** QMT 101 Course is required before taking your skills to the next level**
QMT 104
Advanced Practitioner
Course Details:
Review of previous courses
Basic MMT​
Clearing the Fog MMT
Testing for insulting factors
Testing nutrients, herbs and homeopathics
Learn The Quantum Flow - Putting it all together
You will also learn how to Implement the flow into your practice regardless you niche or speciality.
This is it! Putting it together! This system was developed into a flow in which you can perform on each patient, with each visit allowing you to yield a single priority every time, streamlining your evaluation & treatment plans!
** QMT 101 & 102 MMT Courses are required before taking your skills to the next level**
QMT 200
The Quantum Flow
Combines all classes into one, learn the Flow from start to finish!
​Course Details:
Understanding of Manual Muscle Testing research & misconceptions
Correct Manual Muscle Testing terminology
Learn how to perform a proper Manual Muscle Test
Testing for insulting factors
Localizing Spinal Subluxations
Respiration Manipulation Technique
Testing nutrients, herbs and homeopathics
Private Facebook group with live sessions to answer questions after the course has been completed.
After completion of this course the practitioner will feel comfortable with manual muscle testing concepts, performance of the manual muscle test and procedures for correcting structural concerns, identify insulting factors and testing of medicine.
Take your healthcare practice to the next level regardless of your niche or speciality with the powerful tool of Manual Muscle Testing!
"You can exponentially increase the success of your practice with the implementation of this extremely powerful and diverse tool. No healthcare or wellness practitioner should practice without the basic knowledge and implementation of MMT.
It will not only change the way you evaluate, treat and practice but it will change the way you view everything about the human body and healing!"
- Dr. Whitney, ND, PAK -
Is this course right for you?
This is right for you if...
If you have been looking for a modality that greatly increases your patient/client outcomes, provides you a tool to communicate directly with the body!
If you are looking to streamline your evaluations and treatment plans while making them specific & individualized!
This is also great for those interested in treating the physical body without having the skills and advanced training for high velocity physical manipulation of physical medicine practices. For those practitioners who have physical manipulation in their scope but maybe didn't keep up their high velocity manipulation skills as they started practice but find a great need for it years later. I've heard so many doctors say that they wish they continued their skills many years into practice. IF that is you, the MMT course will provide you the skills to do so with a low impact but highly effective physical manipulation, evaluation & correction skills!
If you are ready to take your practice to the next level,
this course is for you!

About The Doc
As a Naturopathic Physician, I cannot imagine practicing medicine without Manual Muscle Testing.
Dr. Whitney here, I'm a Naturopathic Physician & Professional Applied Kinesiologist in Scottsdale AZ. I am the owner of Quantum Neuropathic Pain & Body Optimization & Quantum Muscle Testing.
I dove head first into MMT modalities in which I spent almost every weekend for the first 3 years of medical school learning everything I could. To say I'm passionate is an understatement.
Dr. Whitney Donohue, ND, PAK

I was extremely active in the Applied Kinesiology club not lonely learning but that is where my love for teaching developed. I spent any extra time I had learning & practicing, honing my skills before I even graduated. MMT testing gave me a tool to communicate with the body like no other modality and I was obsessed.
I spent years learning so many different modalities and I had a huge tool box but when it came to treating patients I don't know where to start. After examining all my tools I was reminded that this particular course allowed me to have a system that I can use every time, every appointment with every patient over and over again and yield the priority of the body every single time! The Quantum Flow streamlines patient visits & allows me to utilize all my tools much better. My treatments were very specific and my outcomes with patients sky rocketed. I was treating with less supplements, obtained more focused plans and allowed my patients to have greater restoration of health, as it is the biggest mover the body needed to heal.
MMT course streamlined and changed the way I practiced medicine and it can do the same for you!
Would you believe me if i told you MMT has the power to change everything you know about health, the human body & healing?!
The body is complex & because of this complexity the body heals in layers, similar to an onion. Muscle testing gives you the tool to determine which layer is ready to be healed and identify what the body needs, both by removing obstacles to healing and identify therapies that are needed for healing that specific layer.
MMT is a tool to help evaluate the structural, chemical and emotional insults on the body through the dynamics of the nervous system. MMT is a powerful tool that provides information that is unattainable from any other modality
MMT is not a stand alone evaluation. It is a tool to use alongside your other methods of evaluation within your scope of practice. MMT provides the tool to determine the body's own algorithm, create its own individualized treatment plan and deliver a more potent treat plan greatly increasing the outcome!
Let me show you!

What you can expect to get out of this?
Manual Muscle Testing will take your practice to the next level!
The courses include:
Lectures & Demonstations
Power Point Notes
Additional handouts/quick reference guides
Private Facebook group with live sessions to answer questions after the course has been completed.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is manual muscle testing?
The late Dr. Baker, NMD, DC defines muscle testing as: “a system, involving testing of the nervous system, for evaluation & treatment of visceral, musculoskeletal and emotional conditions.” MMT is a tool to assess your client/patient by eliciting a muscle response from an applied force. MMT uses the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system to help evaluate the body through the nervous system.
What is The Quantum MMT Flow?
Its a system that was created by Dr. Donald Baker, ND, DC who developed the flow with his 20+ years of applied kinesiology & clinical experience. Its a combination of techniques he put together after years of testing. It allows you to deepen your client evaluation, gain feedback directly from the body & yield the priority of the body in which it is ready to heal. The flow allows you to approach every client, every time regardless of their concern providing you with information you cannot get from any other modality, streamlining your evaluation & truly individualizing your treatment plans.
How do I implement this into my health/wellness practice?
Great question! All the courses techniques are focused on determining the priority of the body. How you treat or aid your clients healing is based on your specialty, niche & scope of practice You can use whatever tools you have to treat. While the course yield specifics from the body it is very general system that allows it to fit into any practice. Providers often use it as part of their initial evaluation in their appointments but you can implement it into whatever part of your practice that works best for you.
Do you offer courses in-person?
Yes, all courses are taught both in-person & online for your convenience or preference. For In-person classes please refer to @Dr. Whitney Donohue, ND on Facebook or Instagram for the most up-to-date course schedules or call the office at 520 - 815 - 0743.
What if I already have muscle testing experience?
Welcome Friend! Thats amazing and I'm so happy you are here! This is definitely the course for you & I promise you will learn something new! Please watch the video below to learn why taking this class is an advantage for those with previous experience! I changed the way I practice so I'm here to help you change yours!
If you have
experience with
Applied Kinesiology or other
Muscle Testing Modalities...
Have you ever felt like you have so many tools & techniques you never know where to start ?
In this video Dr. Whitney explains why the MMT Flow allows you to dial in your evaluations & streamline all your Applied Kinesiology & Muscle Testing modalities!