QMT Flow
Course for licensed / certified practitioners
The Quantum Muscle Testing Flow is system that allows you to deeply evaluate your client/patient with the same flow that can be performed at every visit, while yielding the body's priory for healing every time, providing a deeper evaluation & highly individualized treatment plan!
The QMT flow can be implemented into any health and wellness practice regardless your niche or specialty. This class is applicable to any practitioner allowed physical touch within the scope of practice.
After completion of the course the partitioner will feel comfortable with manual muscle testing concepts, performance of the MMT and procedure for correcting structural concerns, identifying insulting factors and testing of medicine!​

The Manual Muscle Testing Basics Work Shop
In - Person Seminar Workshop
Register now for this in-person, hands on workshop to master your muscle testing skills. This workshop is open to everyone interested in creating more certainty with their health & the health of their families! Learn how and why muscle testing works, the benefits & misconceptions and most importantly how to perform a proper muscle test and apply it to the body!
Upcoming Seminar Dates